Intermediate use of force
13 hours

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You will have 30 days to complete this course before it expires.  If you do not complete the course within the time limited, you will have to pay to take the course again. 

COURSE OBJECTIVES:   This course was designed as part of the Intermediate Core courses required to obtain Intermediate Proficiency Certification.  Participants will learn about the statutory authority for use of force and get a basic overview of the terminology and concepts regarding use of force.  Participants will get acquainted with various force options or alternatives available to peace officers.  We will discuss the appropriate uses of deadly force as defined by court decisions, as well as cover the typical post shooting reactions by officers and their departments.  In this course we will also expose participants to a myriad of legal issues that revolve around the inappropriate use of force.  Legal issues that will be covered include criminal liability, civil torts, civil rights violations, damages, attorney fees, constitutional rights, vicarious liability legal theories, and defense strategies.


TARGET AUDIENCE:  Peace Officers or anyone who want to learn more about the topic.

PREPARED BY:  Janice Washington

Course Prerequisites