Child abuse and neglect
2 hours

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You will have 30 days to complete this course before it expires.  If you do not complete the course within the time limited, you will have to pay to take the course again.

COURSE OBJECTIVES:  The first step in helping abused or neglected children is learning to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect.  In this course, we will discuss the signs of abuse and neglect, required documentation, Texas laws, and reporting and coordinating medical treatment.  The presence of a single sign does not prove child abuse is occurring in a family, but a closer look at the situation may be warranted when these signs appear repeatedly or in combination.  


TARGET AUDIENCE: Law Enforcement Officers, Jailers, Licensed Private Security Officers, Federal & Military Law Enforcement, Telecommunication Officers, Emergency Medical Services, Firefighters & Civilians

PREPARED BY: Nicholas Teague

Course Prerequisites